Looking to do some wine evaluating yourself? In a fun, simple way?
Grab some friends and print out these Wine Evaluation Cards we use during our "meetings."
I tried to keep it fairly simple and straightforward for our purposes, so if that sounds good to you, feel free to use it! :] The links to the Google Docs are at the very bottom, so just hold tight!
Here is the newest update (2/14) to our Wine Evaluation Cards. Just a little tweaking to save on some magenta ink, and help me out in translation. I love the main logo, but it sure does waste a lot of ink!
And here's an aroma chart for reference--it's exceedingly helpful
with naming the smells and flavors you just can't seem to put a word to! Trust me when I say we love to have these around for our tastings!
And here are the links for the documents:
For the newest edition of the Wine Evaluation Chart click here.
For the Aroma Chart click here.